Are you an Effective Communicator in the Bedroom?

Are You an Effective Communicator in the Bedroom?

Take this fun quiz to find out how well you communicate your sexual desires, dislikes, and feelings in and out of the bedroom—and discover areas to improve!

Answer each question honestly. Add up your points to find your result and get actionable tips for better communication in the bedroom and improved sex.

1. How do you express your desire in the bedroom?

2. How do you handle it when something isn’t working for you?

3. How do you handle it when your partner doesn’t respond to your feedback about sex?

4. Do you give positive feedback during or after sex?

5. How do you react to your partner’s feedback in the bedroom?

6. Do you talk about sex outside the bedroom?

7. How do you discuss sexual boundaries with your partner?

8. Do you feel confident sharing your sexual fantasies?

9. What do you do when you express your sexual needs and your partner doesn't listen?

10. How do you approach a disagreement about sex?

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