Rate Your Sex life Quiz

Welcome to Rate Your Sex life Quiz

Please answer each question by clicking either 'Yes or No' based on your assessment of your Sex life.

Do you feel satisfied with the frequency of your sexual encounters?

Do you and your partner openly communicate about your sexual desires and preferences?

Do you prioritize foreplay and engage in varied forms of sexual stimulation?

Do you feel emotionally connected to your partner?

Do you and your partner explore new sexual skills, techniques or positions?

Do you feel comfortable discussing your sexual boundaries and consent with your partner?

Do you and your partner prioritize quality time and engage in activities outside the bedroom?

Do you feel sexually confident and comfortable in your own body?

Do you and your partner actively work on maintaining a healthy and satisfying sex life?

Do you experience orgasm(s) regularly during sexual encounters?

Do you and your partner engage in non-sexual physical affection, such as cuddling and hugging?

Do you feel that your sexual needs and desires are understood and met by your partner?

Do you and your partner openly discuss any challenges or issues related to your sex life?

Do you and your partner feel comfortable exploring sexual fantasies together?

Do you and your partner make an effort to keep the romance alive in your relationship?


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