7 Sex Questions to Discuss with Your Partner

As I’m sure you know, effective communication is a non-negotiable requirement if you are to enjoy great Sex.
Here are some discussions to have with your partner....

A lot of people find it difficult to navigate discussions around Sex. Understandably so, we were never taught to talk about it. 
As I’m sure you know, effective communication is a non-negotiable requirement if you are to enjoy great Sex.

Here are some discussions to have with your partner

Remember, this is a discussion and responses should go both ways. If you don’t love the responses, try to understand where your partner is coming from and what they mean. 

Doing this will make you vulnerable. The questions may seem simple enough but they require you to evaluate your emotions, your wants, dislikes, and needs.

Let’s get started

1. How do you feel about our Sex life?

This question calls for a thorough evaluation of your sex life as a couple. Your answer should reflect how you feel, so be honest.

2. Are there things that don’t currently feature in our Sex life that you would like us to include?

This question gives you and your partner the opportunity to discuss new things you’d both like to try.

This question is a great way to open the door to conversations that could improve sex and intimacy in your relationship. Don’t gloss over it! 

3. Are there things that currently feature in your Intimate life that you don’t like

If there’s something about your sex life you don’t enjoy but find it difficult to communicate to your partner, this question provides a soft landing for you and your partner to talk about them.

4. In what ways can we improve our intimacy?

This is an important question to discuss.  Talk about each person’s individual need as regards intimacy and what can be done to meet your mutual intimate desires.

5. What should we do less of?

This question addresses behaviors and activities that are not beneficial to your sex life. Individual preferences come into play here so don’t be shy about having extensive conversations on this.

6. What should we do more of?

Are there sexual activities you and your partner enjoy and would love to do more of? This question provides an opportunity to discuss them.

7. Tell me about some of your best sexual experiences with me and what about those experiences made them stand out?

This question gives you and your partner the opportunity to appreciate your positive sexual experiences as a couple. This is also a great way to gain further insights as to what floats your partner’s boat sexually.

It is also important to take notes of what made the experience stand out and see how you can incorporate more of that to improve sexual intimacy.

I hope this guide helps you navigate a productive conversation about sex with your partner.

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