It’s time to go from
Basic to Baddie: Becoming the Wife of his Fantasy and Yours

Ready to Unleash Your Sexy Power?
Start Your Transformation Today!

What would You do if You knew without a shadow of doubt that your Sex life can be transformed by taking tested and proven steps over the next 6 weeks?

If You knew that in 6 weeks, You could move from

  • Feeling sexually inadequate
  • Feeling like sex is a chore
  • Not knowing what You enjoy or what excites You
  • Not knowing how to please your man

to a confident, higher libido woman who really

  • Enjoys sex
  • Wants sex and
  • Knows how to excite her man sexually in ways she never thought possible?

And I’m talking about sustained changes not temporary changes.


First, Who am I to make this bold claim?

My name is Olawunmi Esan. I am a psychologist, sex therapist, and coach. Not only do I have these professional qualifications, but over the past decade, I have perfected my signature method of helping women like you who felt inadequate in the bedroom become women whose sexual appetite, pleasure, confidence, and skill went through the roof! These women could not believe what their bodies began to do and what they were capable of in the bedroom—mind-blowing pleasure, sexual desire like never before, the ability to blow their man’s mind in the bedroom, and discovering their true sexual power! 

And not only have I taught these women, I have lived it myself!

Wife and mum of 2 here. Just like you, I’m a busy boss lady, running a family, standing on business, and I still bring the fire and passion in the bedroom even after 12 years. My husband says I have pussy magic and I am every man’s dream.

It's time to go from being "Just a wife" to becoming the confident, sensual, and passionate lover you've always dreamed of. It's time to unleash your Inner Baddie.

Check out what my clients are saying

I feel empowered, knowledgeable, and more in tune with my sexuality than ever before. For the first time in over a decade of marriage, I find sex pleasurable instead of being a chore or duty, and because I now enjoy sex, it has improved my relationship with my husband. Things I thought I could not do before are now like a piece of cake. I also love how my mindset about sex completely changed. As a Christian girl, I had perceived sex in a negative way unconsciously. The first few weeks with Coach helped me break down those walls and now I love having sex and I’m so creative in the bedroom.
“Before I started, I was close minded but when I started doing the work, my mind started to open up! Everything I learnt and practiced yielded results and I was sold! I would never have thought this was possible if I did not experience it myself. I went from no desire for sex to learning how to create desire. My man has thoroughly enjoyed watching me blossom through this journey and he is super excited. He used to say he never felt desired by me but now he not only only says the opposite, he feels it.

For so many wives, sex can start to feel like a routine or a chore.
You may find yourself thinking:

I can go without Sex for a long time.

You hardly feel desire for sex. Sex feels like something you’re just doing to please your husband, not something you crave.

I feel Sexually inadequate

You hardly feel desire for sex. Sex feels like something you’re just doing to please your husband, not something you crave.

I don’t know what truly excites me.

You’ve never really explored and understood your own pleasure, and when you try to tap into your own desires, it feels awkward or uncomfortable. You don’t know how to connect with your sexuality.

I don’t know what truly excites me.

You’ve never really explored and understood your own pleasure, and when you try to tap into your own desires, it feels awkward or uncomfortable. You don’t know how to connect with your sexuality.

I’m not skilled or confident in the bedroom

You’re not the passionate lover you want to be. You hear people’s experiences and you wonder why your experiences are not as passionate or as exciting as what you hear. You want to do more but don’t know what to do or how to do it. You want to satisfy your man in the bedroom, you know he wants more, but you’re unsure of how to give it to him.

If this sounds like you, You’re not alone. So many women face this, but you don’t have to stay stuck in this cycle.

It’s time for a change. YOU DESERVE MORE! You deserve a satisfying and sexually fulfilling relationship. You deserve to feel like a lover, to feel confident and more than enough in the bedroom again.

But you’ve been doing it all wrong! Trying to fix your sex life with tips, tricks and superficial stuff, as opposed to doing the deeper transformational work that will bring you lasting and sustained results.

Imagine what your Marriage / Relationship will look like if you keep doing the same thing you’ve been doing for years.

  • icon Constantly arguing about sex with your man
  • icon Always feeling like you are sexually inadequate
  • icon Feelings of resentment build, and you both start to drift apart and disconnect over time
  • iconYour man keeps complaining about wanting more or better sex – this can create room to entertain other women who say they can give him what he is missing
  • iconYour man is losing interest in sex with you because you are not engaging, expressive or exciting in bed
  • iconYou live more like flatmates than lovers
  • iconYou keep burying your head in the sand hoping the Sex problem will go away – IT WON’T! You’ll only succeed in driving him away.

But imagine using my time-tested and proven approach and this is who you become in 6 weeks

The Sensational Lover
    • heart icon You are enjoying the sex you want – from foreplay to intercourse to orgasms and more
    • heart icon You have expanded your pleasure tools for your pleasure and your man’s pleasure – you know how to satisfy your man in many sexual ways that blow his mind
    • heart icon You are enjoying your marriage even more – there is more laughter, play and pleasure in your home – now that Sex is finally no longer a problem
    • heart icon You are a pampered baby-girl wife and the one his heart desires
    • heart icon You are no longer “just a wife”, you are a woman who enjoys sex, desires it, is skilled at pleasuring her man and driving him wild in the bedroom – the woman of your fantasies and his!
The Sensational Lover
  • heart icon Your husband now drools over you because you have the skills to drive him wild in bed.
  • heart icon No more fears about your husband ‘going out’
  • heart icon You are spontaneous, passionate and you really enjoy sex
  • heart icon Your libido is higher and you now creatively invite your man for pleasure
  • heart icon You are a total baddie in the bedroom – sexually expressive, skilled at giving him mind-blowing pleasure, you know the moves to make him go ‘Hmmmm’.
  • heart icon You feel sexually attractive and so does your man
  • heart icon There is room in your life for your own pleasure
  • heart icon You enjoy Sex and are enthusiastic and expressive – every man loves to know his woman enjoys sex with him

More from my clients - Women just like YOU!

I went from basic to a woman whose husband can not get enough of her. I feel so sexy, so empowered now that I enjoy sex so much more and I can give it to my man hot. This program has completely transformed my sex life. I’m more confident, more connected to my partner, and enjoying intimacy like never before.
I never thought I could feel so confident in bed. I learned what i want, what i enjoy and it’s been over a year since working with Coach Olawunmi and my husband and I are fucking like teenagers. And I’m a woman in my 50s. I wish I did this sooner
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The Solution — A Transformational Coaching Experience

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